Our holiday weekend was the best! It kicked off with
Daddio coming home. We had Abagail's favorite food, corn on the cob, and then camp~out here we come!

Next, UP went the tent. How cool to have a camp out in your own back yard (and convenient for Momma too)!

Quick pose from the girls!

And another. . .

And Another!

Girls showing their sisterly~love!

And, now ready for a

Abagail is roasting marshmallows with her
Maci's turn!

After some delicious
smores we cuddled watching the fire burn.

It must have been a long day & night for
Maci Sue because she snuck off and we found her crashed out on the couch.

Girls got to help
Daddio wash
Momma's van too!

Next off, the girls got to catch lightning bugs or as Abagail calls them, 'Fire Flies'!

Daddio's help, of course!

Checking out their catch.

Abagail showing off her jar full of lightning bugs.

Maci Sue too!
What an amazing weekend! We had beautiful weather and quality family time. We got to camp out every night, catch lightning bugs, wash our vehicles, roast marshmallows and eat smores!!! The girls had a lot of fun this weekend and so did Ryan and I. We are blessed to get to spend this time all together.